History of HMO Development

Mass production of HMOs was difficult due to their complex chemical structure. Therefore, it has not been possible to formulate them in infant formula for a long time. However, by applying our amino acid fermentation technology, we established a HMO production process and achieved mass production.

Manufacturing process

Saccharides (starting material) → Microbial fermentation → Sterilization → Purification → HMOs


World 1st invention for large-scale production of oligosaccharides by fermentation


Received Nikkei BP Technology Award in Medical Biotechnology section for “World’s First Industrial-Level Production System Technology for Sugar Chains”

2013Establishment of plant-scale production process of HMOs

Production facility for HMOs (HOT-1) has been constructed and 2’-FL, 3’-SL and 6’-SL will be launched successively from 2023, subject to regulatory approval

T. Endo et al. Large-scale production of CMP-NeuAc and sialylated oligosaccharides through bacterial coupling. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 53, 257-261 (2000)

Neutral HMOs

What is Fucosyllactose? It is the most prevalent human milk oligosaccharide naturally present in human breast milk, making up about 30% of all of HMOs.
  • 2’FL is the most abundant neutral HMO.

Acidic HMOs

What is Sialyllactose? It is a specific type of HMO that contain sialic acid, a special kind of sugar that gives them their acidic properties.

Sialic Acid: represent a family of 9-carbon sugars present in human cells. They are known as the building blocks of brain gangliosides.

  • 3’SL is one of the top 5 acidic HMOs.
  • 6’SL is the most abundant acidic HMO.